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I Seminari "Arxius i Turisme"

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Seminar "Archives and Tourism" program

icona_PDFCatalan Spanish


All the papers, roundtables and presentations will be translated simultaneously in Catalan, Spanish and English.


16:00    Presentation of the Seminar
  • Intervention of Mr. Joaquim Daban i Massana Director of the Lloret de Mar Municipal Archive Service.
  • Intervention of Ms. Dolors Vidal i Caselles Professor at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Girona and researcher at the Institute of Tourism Studies
  • Intervention of Ms. Maria Isabel Bernal Guirao Municipal Councillor, 2nd Deputy Mayor of Lloret de Mar City Council.
16:30    Roundtable: "Tourism and the management of the information it generates" Icona_you_tube

Approach to the current management of documents and the future challenges of the sector, with the participation of representatives of the private sector.

  • Damià Font – Director of the Acapulco Lloret hotel and Co-founder of Marmirada
  • Daniel Ferrer – Expert in cyber security and Director General of Dig8ital
  • Enric Dotras – President of the Hospitality Guild of Lloret de Mar.
  • Lluís-Esteve Casellas (moderator) - Director of the records management, archives and publications service of Girona City Council
18:00    Break
18:15    Presentation of the exhibition "Tourist documentary collections at the Lloret de Mar archive". Icona_you_tube

Joaquim Daban – Director of the archive and records management service in Lloret de Mar

19:00    Screening of the documentary "Full board. Rebuilding tourism in a female key" Icona_you_tube

See the documentary in the following link: Pensió completa. Reconstruint el turisme en clau femenina

Amaranta Gibert / Mercè Serrano / Cristina Pinto – directors of the documentary



09:00    Reception of participants
09:30    Official opening of the Seminar
10:00    Roundtable "Sources for tourism research" Icona_you_tube
  • Research and studies of the history of tourism. Main documentary collections, archival treatment, accessibility and dissemination platforms, approach to lines of work... 
  • Joaquim Maria Puigvert - Full professor of Contemporary History at the University of Girona
  • Saida Palou - PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology, researcher at the Catalan Institute for Research in Cultural Heritage and associate professor at the University of Girona
  • Carlos Larrinaga - PhD in Contemporary History and professor of History and Economic Institutions at the University of Granada
  • Narcís Figueras (moderator) - Professor at the UOC and member of the Coordinator of Catalan Language Study Centers
11:30    Break
12:00    Papers
  1. Joan Ferrer: The potential of the documentary funds of the Historical Archive of Girona for the study of tourism Icona_you_tube
  2. Alexis Serrano: El Maresme Yeyé, entry, treatment, online placement and dissemination of the Nubiola collection of postcards and tourist documents Icona_you_tube
  3. Carles Gorini: Mountain Railways on Great Slopes. Tourism and religion in the Catalan mountains Icona_you_tube
  4. Alelí Mirelman: Planas Archive: Photography and Tourism Icona_you_tube
12:30    Roundtable "Academic needs, archival wills and business challenges"

Dialogue between different professional fields in order to expose the needs and alternatives of each sector; and to raise awareness among professionals in the tourism sector about the importance of preserving the documents, information and data they generate.

  • Dolors Vidal - Doctor of the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Girona
  • Jordi Martí - President of the Girona Tourism Board, President of the Catalan Association of Travel Agencies, member of the Board of Directors of the Girona - Costa Brava Tourism Board
  • Sergi Yanes - PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona
  • Enric Cobo (moderator) - Head of the Coordination Service of the Regional Archives Network of the Department of Culture. Government of Catalonia
14:00    Lunch
15:30    Papers
  1. Paolo Cecconi: Chemnitz European Capital of Culture 2025: how city archives support tourism development Icona_you_tube
  2. Peter Anderson: Investigating cultural and leisure spaces faced in the second half of the 20th century Icona_you_tube
  3. Pau Saavedra: Tourism and family cinema: portrait of social behavior on the beaches of the Costa Brava through the family films preserved at the CRDI (1926-1986) Icona_you_tube
  4. Anna de Rocafiguera / Albert Rumbo / Jaume Enric Zamora: Imprints of the first summer vacation: the beginning of the virtual exhibitions of the Network of Municipal Archives of the Diputació de Barcelona Icona_you_tube
16:30    Presentation

Presentation of the speakers: Mª Assumpció Colomer - Director of the Archives and Document Management Service of the Diputació de Girona

16:30 - Hasso Spode - Historical tourism research and the Historical Archive on Tourism (HAT) in Berlin - Historian, archivist, professor at the University of Hannover and honorary president of the Historical Archive on Tourism in Berlin. Icona_you_tube

17:00 - Carlos Larrinaga - The historiography of tourism in Spain: antecedents, current affairs and challenges - PhD in history and degree in political science. Professor of history and economic institutions at the University of Granada Icona_you_tube

17:30 -17:45   Debate 

18:00 – Break
18:15 – Presentation:

Presentation of the speaker: Francesc Giménez - President of the Professional Association of Archives and Document Management of Catalonia

18:00 - Antonella Fresa - Tourism, archives and culture: a digitally mediated relationship between preservation and experience - ICT expert, Director of Design at Promoter SRL, vice president of Photoconsortium International Association for Valuing Photographic Heritage, coordinates the Eureka3D project funded by the Program Digital from the EU and is a communication and networking leader in the INCULTUM and SECre TOUR projects on cultural tourism. Icona_you_tube

18:45 – 19:00 Questions from attendees

19:30    Guided tour of the modernist cemetery of Lloret de Mar



09:30    Roundtable "Management of local, county, provincial and national tourism funds" Icona_you_tube

Approach to the problems surrounding the management, recovery, treatment and dissemination of funds linked to the world of tourism.

  • Mª Victoria Blázquez - Director of the Municipal Archives of Benidorm
  • Marc Espasa i Roca – Manager of Cultural and Tourist Services of Salou City Council
  • Natàlia Navarro i Sastre – Director of INSPAI, Center for the Image of the Provincial Government of Girona
  • Eli Keegan - Director - Manager Lloret Tourism
  • Joaquim Daban i Massana – Director of the archive and records management service of Lloret de Mar
  • Joan Ferrer (moderator) - Director of the Historical Archive of Girona
11:00   Papers
  1. Dolors Vidal / Geraldine Barragán / Anamaria Carmona / Laura Toso: 70 YEARS OF CAMPING - Historical compilation / Preservation of documentary heritage, and with the dissemination of documentation related to tourism Icona_you_tube
  2. Daniel Punseti: Camí de Ronda®. Crossing the Costa Brava on foot in stages. From archival research to the creation of a successful tourist product Icona_you_tube
  3. Geraldine Barragan / Anamaria Carmona: Sport, Landscape and Rural Tourism in Girona, a documentary review Icona_you_tube
  4. Lourdes Boix: Anar a fer tenda. The fishermen's camps of l'Escala on the Costa Brava (19th century - 1960s). Research and dissemination of the Historical Archive of l'Escala 
11:45    Break
12:00    Experiences "Tourism studies in the Lloret area" Icona_you_tube

Present various experiences related to the study of Lloret's tourism model where the social, economic, urban, cultural repercussions are evaluated...

  • Sergi Yanes: The Municipal Archives or the key to opening the black box of tourism in Lloret de Mar
  • Xavier Orri / Jordi Padilla: The colors of the documents. Sexual, affective and gender minorities in the archival documentation of a tourist municipality 
  • Joan Pérez Ventayol (moderator) - Director of Archives and Document Management of the UAB FUAB Formació School.
12:30    Closure of the Seminar ending
13:00    Guided tour of the noucentism’s gardens of Santa Clotilde.